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    Welcome to The Realms of Asgard Website – Your destination for diverse server hosting! Interested in RP? TROA RP is in its testing phase! Join our Discord and request whitelist access to get started. We run 10 in-house servers powered by top-tier hardware. Empyrion Reforged Eden 2 is launching – get ready for adventure! TROA currently hosts 10 active servers. Check out the games we play and join the fun on Discord! TROA Forge is thriving! Don't forget to vote and download our modpack at TechinPack. Supported Games: Empyrion, Stationeers, Astroneers, Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous, No Man's Sky, Astro Colony, Minecraft.
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  • TROA Support Area


    Hey everyone!

    We understand that sometimes you might run into issues or have questions while exploring TROA. Fear not! We've got your back with our Support and Ticketing System.


     Submitting a Ticket:

    •      Choose a Category: Select the appropriate category for your issue (e.g., Grid Restores, BP Transfer Request, Technical Support, Account Assistance, Bug Report, etc.).
    •      Provide Details: Fill out the required fields, providing as much detail as possible about your issue or question.
    •      Submit: Hit submit, and voilà! Your ticket has been sent to our team.

    Support Area Now on Our Website!
    To better serve the community and streamline the process as we grow, the Support Area has moved to our website! You can now locate it easily under the menu labeled "Support Area". This change is part of our ongoing efforts to improve your experience, and it will only get better as we continue to evolve.

    If you encounter any difficulties or have further questions about using our Support and Ticketing System, feel free to reach out to any of our  Moderators or  Administrators for assistance.

    Happy gaming, and may the mighty Odin favor you!

    - TROA Support Team

    All support request require a registered member account.

    Please Register Here

    - Odin





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